CIRFJapanese page for the next generation
Business lines

Business lines


Business strategic planning and development, brand marketing, resource development and conservation, infrastructure.


CDM, carbon trade, equipment and materials, commodities

Company operations

Financial advices, Company establishment, Asset management, New operation plans, Security management, Investment, Corporate research, Real estate, IT business assistance, M&A, Import-Export assistance


Chemicals for metal utensil maintenance
Introduction to each business line


CIRF's management consultants are members of ICMCI (International Council of Management Consulting Institutes).
Based on the association agreement with UAE, Indonesia, Australia and Japan, CIRF mobilizes its experienced personnel in diversified fields for development projects in infrastructure and resources utilization and conservation. CIRF's worldwide information network enables this service. The service encompasses formation of project concepts, feasibility studies, project management, in-house engineering, project coordination, etc.


Through international and domestic carbon trade, CIRF envisages to contribute to the balanced conservation of environment of the world. There are cases in which some equipment, materials or commodities are over-possessed and not fully utilized in some parts of the world and are in extreme shortage in some other parts. CIRF is ready to come in to eliminate this imbalance.

Company operations

CIRF's versatile service by MMC (Master Management Consultant) will help to solve corporate problems from asset management, M&A, investment to salvage of the bankruptcy. Easy consultation is available. Confidentiality is strictly kept. Experienced services by licensed personnel are also available for procurement and selling of real estate assets.


CIRF's own products are sold in the name of Miracle Power and Miracle Power-II for maintenance of metal utensils or accessories made of silver, stainless steel. The products have come through the history of improvement after improvement for decades. Now perfectly environment-friendly. Good for private or business use.