CIRFJapanese page for the next generation

CIRF stands for "consulting", "Information", "Research", and "Firm".

CIRF's Corporate Identity replicates an image of drop of water spreading ripples across the water, expanding its impact, and eventually flowing into the ocean, abroad world.

CIRF makes your innovative ideas come true.

CIRF places a hitg value in its encounters with people, communications, mutual understanding of each other and encouragement to grow together. We assist our clients to change "what they want to do" to "what they can do". Every employee at CIRF has professional expertise and rich experience in certain fields. CIRF allocates professionals to each task effectively and efficiently.

With thorough cooperation with our clients, we fulfill their needs. In order to achive goals in the short term and to increase corporation value, what do we need to do? CIRF fully understands the processes for uccess.

It is our responsibility to keep this affluent nature of the Earth for lives of the generations to come in better environments. For this, CIRF is committed to serve in the fields of development, conservation and trade for better use of the limited resources in a sustainable manner.

In the field of management and financial, CIRF is ready to assist and advise for the security and mobilization of assets with its certified consultants.

Company profile

Name: CIRF Inc.
CEO: Hajime Morooka
Establishment: January 2024
Paid in capital: JYE1,000,000
Headquarters: #1001 Kamiuma Central, 4-2-5 Kamiuma, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 154-0011 Japan
Overseas bases: DUBAI, UAE
Jakarta, Indonesia
Main bank: Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Partner company
(is located):
(Abu Dhabi, UAE)

(Dubai, UAE)

(Yokohama, Japan)

(Yokohama, Japan)


January 1999: Founded Japan Hill in the United States.
・Management consulting, think tank, lobbying activities.
July 1999: Japan Hill Japan office opened.
・Environmental assessment survey and research, information distribution.
May 2001: Company name changed to CIRF.
・Management consulting, lobbying work.
・Support for Japanese companies to expand overseas.
・Environmental assessment survey/research, information distribution.
・Import/export support for domestic and foreign companies.
・Public infrastructure development project consulting.
・IT project promotion.
・IT-related equipment design and construction.
January 2024: Establishment (stock corporation).